Whether you're taking Bayer® Aspirin for pain, such as a headache, or a doctor-directed aspirin regimen for cardiovascular benefits, you can feel secure knowing that you've chosen a top-quality product from the authority on aspirin.
Take It for Pain
For headaches, muscle pain, backaches, minor arthritis pain – nearly any kind of minor ache or pain – people have been taking Bayer® Aspirin for pain relief for more than 120 years. The reason lies in how aspirin works on pain, which is your body’s way of getting your attention.
When we feel pain, our cells produce a substance called prostaglandins. Getting pain relief with aspirin works because aspirin inhibits prostaglandin production.
But the benefits of aspirin don’t end there.
Take It for Life
You know about the way aspirin relieves pain, but did you know it is also recommended, under a doctor's direction, to help reduce the risk of a recurrent heart attack or clot-related (ischemic stroke)?
Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
Plus, when taken during a suspected heart attack as directed by a doctor, it could also help save your life.
In the event of a suspected heart attack, immediately call 9-1-1 and chew or crush and swallow aspirin as directed by a doctor.
Knowing all that, why would you carry any other over-the-counter pain reliever?