BAYER® ASPIRIN PRODUCTSEffective on pain. Prevention for recurrent heart attack and clot-related (ischemic) strokes.Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Find the Bayer® Aspirin product that's right for you. FOR HEART REGIMENA doctor directed aspirin regimen can help reduce your risk of recurrent heart attack by 31%.Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Aspirin Regimen Bayer® Low Dose81 mg low dose aspirin with safety coating LEARN MORE Aspirin Regimen Bayer® Regular DoseAspirin 325 mg dose with enteric coating LEARN MORE Bayer® Chewable AspirinChewable 81 mg aspirin, in orange and cherry flavors LEARN MORE Genuine Bayer® AspirinThe original, trusted 325 mg Genuine Bayer® Aspirin tablets LEARN MORE FOR STROKE PREVENTION A doctor directed aspirin regimen can help reduce your risk of another clot-related (ischemic) stroke by 22%. Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Aspirin Regimen Bayer® Low Dose81 mg low dose aspirin with safety coating LEARN MORE Aspirin Regimen Bayer® Regular DoseAspirin 325 mg dose with enteric coating LEARN MORE Bayer® Chewable AspirinChewable 81 mg aspirin, in orange and cherry flavors LEARN MORE Genuine Bayer@ AspirinThe original, trusted 325 mg Genuine Bayer® Aspirin tablets LEARN MORE FOR PAIN RELIEF Bayer® Aspirin works at the site of pain to provide targeted pain relief. Genuine Bayer® Aspirin The original, trusted 325 mg Genuine Bayer® Aspirin tablets LEARN MORE Bayer® Extra Strength Extra strength 500 mg aspirin, for tough pain LEARN MORE Bayer® Aspirin Back & BodyBack and body pain reliever, 500 mg aspirin with 32.5 mg caffeine LEARN MORE IGNORING YOUR HEART HEALTH RISK IS NO WAY TO GO THROUGH THE WORLD.Uncover your heart health risk factorsby taking our quick 2-minute assessment.*START ASSESSMENT*Does not replace an assessment by a qualified healthcare professional. Always talk to your doctor or healthcare professional about your heart health. IGNORING YOUR HEART HEALTH RISK IS NO WAY TO GO THROUGH THE WORLD.Uncover your heart health risk factors by taking our quick 2-minute assessment.*START ASSESSMENT*Does not replace an assessment by a qualified healthcare professional.Always talk to your doctor or healthcare professional about your heart health.